Fire Emblem: Iii Houses brought a new generation of fans to a respected franchise, proving that keen strategy games and peachy characterization truly tin go hand-in-hand. Among the students and staff of Garreg Mach, every type of personality and backstory feels represented. At that place are rags to riches stories, pompous idiots, characters struggling with identity and mental illness, lazy geniuses, and enthusiastic idiots. Past default, there's leap to be a relatable character in the cast, no matter who's playing the game.

But non every character proves equally useful on the battlefront. Three Houses offers players the opportunity to recruit almost any character from other houses by the game's midpoint, merely there are stipulations that need to be met earlier a character can be recruited. Some require pregnant wooing, via gifts, teatime, dinner, or side-missions, before they'll cooperate. Given the limitations, which characters are worth the time and attempt, and which don't quite make the cut?

10 Recruit: Shamir Is A Peerless Archer

When it comes to archery, there's just no better character than Shamir.  It'south likewise possible to recruit Shamir relatively early on in the game and incorporate her into the roster earlier levels get tough, and there are virtually no downsides to doing so. Add to this her cool demeanor and lack of abrasive character traits.

With solid Dexterity and a high frequency of Critical Hits that cease about every confrontation she engages in, she's a shoo-in. Fans might sing the praises of Bernadetta, just it takes a lot of piece of work to go Bernadetta to her most efficient level. Shamir arrives already full-armed and badass.

9 Don't Bother: Catherine Is Cumbersome In Battle

Catherine talks a big game and she's tough equally nails, but unlike Shamir, she proves somewhat cumbersome on the battleground. There are other swordsmen who prove more than interesting from a support standpoint, likewise, equally much of Catherine'due south identity is tied to her admiration for Lady Rhea.

Catherine wields Thunderbrand and excels in Brawling and Swordsmanship, just her lack of Reason skill makes information technology hard to level her up to a Mortal Savant, inevitably catastrophe her usefulness in a lower form. Solid merely arguably a flake banal, she doesn't accept much room for growth, either on a narrative or strategy front. Then again, Catherine is one of the easiest characters to recruit. Most players take her on because it'southward meliorate to have her on the roster than confront her as an enemy later.

8 Recruit: Yuri Is Unmatched In Speed Growth

Arguably the just real reason to buy the DLC, Yuri proves worth every penny. In brusque, if i can't recruit Claude, at least there's Yuri, who fills the same void. Every bit far as stats become, no other grapheme tin match him in Speed growth, and his Amuse and Luck are zilch to scoff at, either.

Add together to this Yuri's ability to motility twice in a turn. For extra effectiveness, Yuri should be classed as a Dancer, which grants him the ability to grant other characters movement before darting away again. Yuri as well adds another welcome element of queer representation to the game, equally well equally wonderful supports with Bernadetta and Dorothea.

7 Don't Bother: The Other Three Ashen Wolves Are Gimmicky & Irritating

Oh, the Ashen Wolves. While Balthus's sordid backstory and Hapi's fauna-summoning sigh brand for some interesting moments, on the whole, these characters aren't only irritating, but also useless on the battlefield.

Most of their character traits feel similar gimmicks. Constance is annoying under any circumstances: In darkness she is pompous, and in light she's morose. Balthus, while perchance more useful on the surface, is a lesser version of Raphael with an even worse haircut. Well-nigh players who recruit these three will get out them untouched when information technology comes time for battle.

vi Recruit: Ferdinand von Aegir Lacks Any Major Weaknesses

Ferdinand isn't the strongest fighter and he rarely gets critical hits, just he has a tenacity few characters do, and frequently remains the last man standing in a dominate fight. Why is this?

Early in the game, Ferdinand feels like Sylvain Lite. His stats are slower to develop, and he takes damage quite easily. Even so every bit characters go, Ferdinand is remarkably even-keeled, and will eventually excel in any grade apart from magic ones. When players have fourth dimension to develop his strengths, his relative lack of weaknesses makes him one of the most versatile characters in the game, fifty-fifty if he has the goofy habit of declaring his own name similar a Pokémon in every battle.

5 Don't Bother: Hilda Is Skillful For The Plot Only Superfluous Otherwise

Hilda's beyond amazing if yous're a Golden Deer from the beginning, but by the time she can be recruited players are likely to take others who fill her role. Strong with an ax but extremely stubborn, Hilda refuses to get out Claude's side until the first one-half of the game is about over.

While she's worth having around on a storytelling forepart and deserves her status as a fan-favorite personality, oftentimes she'southward already backside by the time she tin can be recruited. Other barbarians or ax-wielders have taken the place of what she might have been. Hilda'south magnificence is somewhat macerated by her unattainability.

4 Recruit: Lysithea Has Devastating Range

At commencement, Lysithea is so week a character that she seems a nuisance, and her defense and HP are always lower than her comrades. Purchase Lysithea demonstrates extraordinary exponential growth as a character trait, and soon her magic can decimate opponents, given someone nearby to defend her.

Additionally, her backstory is tragic and well-written, and her label proves gratifying. Information technology takes work to get Lysithea to where she needs to be, simply once she reaches her total potential and becomes equipped with Thyrsus or a similarly powerful Staff, her low defence force doesn't matter because her range is devastating.

3 Don't Bother: Cyril Is Also 1-Note, Both On & Off The Battleground

For the most part, most3 Houses characters, while initially shallow, soon reveal subconscious depths. Upon meeting Cyril, it seems obvious to players that the retainer boy will fit this pecker. This is peculiarly true for players who choose the Golden Deer road. Similar Claude, Cyril is of Almyran descent, and information technology seems likely the two will have some amazing supports by the cease. Instead, Cyril remains resolutely annoying, a grapheme fixated on Lady Rhea and little else.

Cyril is about as ane-note on the battlefield. While he can ride exist trained upwardly significantly and go a skilled Wyvern Rider by the end, there'southward also much wasted potential hither, and the story doesn't benefit in whatsoever way from his presence.

2 Recruit: Felix Is A Powerhouse Swordsman Who Borders On Overpowered

In any version of the game apart from the Maddening setting, Felix is a definite boon to whatsoever house. He's extremely over-powered as a swordsman and excels in one case he's been attacked. And while some players adore his grumpy personality and others are less than corking, his attitude plays perfectly into what makes him such a powerhouse on the battlefield.

Felix takes crap from no one, and at times the frequency of his Critical Hits borders on ridiculous. In one case he becomes a Mortal Savant, gaining magic also? Felix feels as strong equally a house leader, which exactly what he's always wanted: to put the Boar in his place.

1 Don't Bother: Lorenz Is An Abrasive Character & Unremarkable Fighter

Lorenz is often cited every bit the most obnoxious Iii Houses character, and it's not only because of his awful haircut. Lorenz is pompous, delusional, and harasses girls similar a true incel. All of this would be, if not forgivable, at to the lowest degree ignorable if he made up for his massive shortcomings on the battlefield.

But Lorenz offers niggling that tin can't be found elsewhere. Every bit a knight, he'southward proficient, and has a predilection for magic, but and then do Sylvain and Ferdinand, given a fleck of coaching. In a sense, Lorenz'southward strengths and pitfalls are evenly matched, and while he tin be a fearsome tool, he tin simply easily fail. Honestly, there's little reason to recommend this royal-haired buffoon.

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