Worth to Get Dark Souls 3 Again on Pc
This is just a story between Harkyn (Lords of the Fallen grapheme) and Ashen One (night souls 3 character). Please no not rage subsequently reading this ok in the replies, because if you do, i feel sorry for your stinky ugly solaire's sun. Now I shall begin, Story> Cadaverous One is trying to kill Soul of Cinder then Harkyn from his globe hears the Soul of Cinders theme. So harkyn jumped to his world and killed soul of cinder right away, ashen i said ' hey im suppose to impale him not you!'', and so Harkyn said ''oh well that just just very sad'' I heard you similar the solaires sunday, do yous hate it?'' Ashen One said'' uhh no of course not!!!'' Harkyn said '' You need to hate! information technology!! no forget nigh th- the stupi- sun'' Ashen I said ''WHAT did you only phone call my lord's day?'' Harkyn said ''uh nothing what?'' Ashen Ane said ''you heard me. tell me the truth what did you simply named my sun'' Harkyn said ''i called your lord's day a perfect lord's day!'' Cadaverous One said '' no you lot didn't information technology started with a S and then a T", Harkyn said, ok you want to spend your time with me arguing about that F**king sun!" AShen One said ''y'all just called my lord's day f**k" why?'', Harkyn said " Tin can YOU STOP TALKING ABOUT YOUR WHATEVER Sunday" Ashen One said, ''you keep calling my sun names like whatever why?" Harkyn said " STOP Asking ME STUPID QUESTIONS!!!! OR ELSE I Volition KILL You lot!!'' Ashen I said' I cant die, idiot, i canno-'' Harkyn said, FINE Do YOU KNOW WHAT I WILL Do, PUT CAGES IN ALL YOUR BONFIRES SO THAT IF YOU WARP OR TRAVEL, At that place WILL BE CAGES AND Y'all Cant Exit'' Ashen Ane said, ''ok but how are you gonna put a cage in Archdragon area where the drakeblood knight is?'' Harkyn said, ''WELL IM GONNA Become THERE AND PUT A Muzzle!'' Ashen Ane said '' then how are you going to go there? thats the question.'' Harkyn said ''IM GOING TO Employ MY ANCIENT PHONE OF THE GODS AND SEARCH Information technology Up HOW TO GO In that location! SO IM GOING TO Practise IT Now'', Cadaverous 1 said '' but look at your telephone, it has no more battery...'', Harkyn said '' Can You lot SHUT YOUR MOUTH?'' Ashen one said, ''i cant sorry, just im going to have to put my coiled sword through your stomach so i can make you as my bonfire ready?'' Harkyn said '' I Deceit Dice TOO!! I WILL RESPAWN AT MY RED SHARD AT MY WORLD!'' Ashen One " ok good its good that you lot're not going to put cages around my bonfires that you forgot'' Harkyn said '' IM GOING TO PUT IT NOW!' Ashen 1 said'' my bonfires have flames that volition burn your cages to cinders that i can get out and so HAHAAHA i dont intendance if put it'' Harkyn said '' F*** Yous And so F*** YOUR STUPID A*South SUN AND HERES WHAT IM GOING TO DO, PULL OUT THE SUNS Cadre AND BRING IT TO MY WORLD'', Ashen One said'' ok then go effort promise you burn when those flames impact you'' HArkyn said '' IM GOING TO Observe A FLAME RESISTANT SUITS ON SO THAT I Volition NEVER Burn down,'' Ashen One said '' where are yous gonna find a flame resist suit, by time traveling to 2020, there are people there who crafted flame resistant suits on'' Harkyn said '' I Volition Become THERE AND GET SUIT AND PULL OUT THE SUNS Cadre WHILE YOUR STUPID PLANET FREEZES ALIVE!! Then Harkyn went to the sun and tried to become the suns cadre and it almost was on his easily then he melted to death but he has night souls 3 suns cadre on his hands and then it was duplicated to the sun then the nighttime souls 3 sun is withal okay but he has the duplicated sun, Now he has the sunday brought to his earth destorying all universes of the games because he was extremly pissed at the ashen one so the univerese he destoryed is SKYRIM,and these skyrim people said ''whoa what is that large explosion, information technology came from those dark souls 3 idiots!! aaaarrrarrarghghghghgh!!!'' and then they died and OBLIVION, DIABLO 3, GTA 5 Earth, FALLOUT iv, MORTAL SHELL, BLOODBORNE YHARNAM Earth, gerhman the beginning hunter said, ''whoa that came from that stupid guy from lords of the fallen!!!! I HATTED THAT GUYYY ARHRHRGHRRGHRGHR!!!'', and the diablo 3 nephalem guys simply said, '' oh who cares it simply a sun from lothric, i have 768 Million defenseso why should i care?? information technology just tickles me!'' then thats THE END
Source: https://darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com/
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