Narcos Inc the Rise and Fall of the Cali Cartel Review

Narcos (TV Series 2015–2017) Poster

10 /10

Netflix To The Rescue

Incidentally, I saw an ad for Narco on YouTube, and instead of skipping the ads like I normally do, I played this i out because I was genuinely excited for what I was watching. Instantly I jumped onto Netflix and I was not disappointed. This is a truly gripping show, i of the all-time I've seen this year. The characters and acting are washed well and the storyline moves at a fast plenty footstep to get your adrenalin pumping for the whole episode. My only fear was that it would be likewise generic of a Crime drama, merely those feelings were chop-chop swept away. This is truly an original and thoroughly planned out TV show with a whole lot of heart.

Maybe the best on Netflix at the moment. Narco doesn't disappoint with any aspect of the show. Information technology'due south exciting and fast paced, but above all, it makes you want to go on coming dorsum for more.

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9 /x


Narcos is such a great show it's hard to explicate but how good information technology really is. Wagner Moura and Pedro Pescal atomic number 82 an astonishing cast who suck you right into the show. In that location have been a lot of shows about drug cartels but this is without a doubtfulness the all-time and it's fleck close! It really is addicting once you offset watching and you get used the subtitles pretty quick.

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x /10

The Incredible Story of Pablo Escobar

Narcos is an intriguing and entertaining series. Netflix once more done a very expert job. Season 1 tells the truthful story of notorious drug kingpin Pablo Escobar, who became a billionaire through the production and distribution of cocaine, while besides focusing on Escobar'due south interactions with drug lords. This is a massive story.

Escobar'southward life has attracted my attention likewise. I watched many videos and read books most Escobar'south life. The bear witness educates you on the Medellin Dare and information technology is a very interesting topic to learn about. Pablo Escobar had much more than influence on the political system than i would expected. This series has added a lot to me about it. Wagner Moura is an excellent actor and he learned Spanish simply for the Pablo Escobar's role. He was built-in for this part. The bilingual dialogue adds a new layer of authenticity to the project and shows it'due south delivery with the original story. The long and often complicated story of Pablo Escobar is portrayed simple and effective for viewers not to get lost in what is going on.

Congrats to Netflix for such a powerful, incredible production. I would recommend this show to all my friends and anyone looking for a great show to watch. This is ane of the best shows I've seen in a while. Tin can't wait for the adjacent flavor to come out! 10/x

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nine /10

A dramatized business relationship of the rise and fall of the Colombian drug cartels

This Netflix series charts the ascension and fall of the Colombian drug lords as their power increases as they earn billions of US dollars supplying the U.s. with cocaine and the actions of the DEA as they try to bring them to justice. The showtime two seasons are centred on Pablo Escobar and his Medellin cartel and DEA Agents Steve Murphy and Javier Peña while the third sees Peña leading the hunt for the 'Gentlemen of Cali', the cartel which somewhen took over from Escobar.

The story shown is based on reality but the makers never pretend that it is entirely true... a pre-championship carte informs u.s.a. that some characters are entirely fictional. That doesn't stop it feeling existent cheers to the fashion events are depicted. The characters are shown in a matter of fact fashion leaving it to the viewer to judge them... of grade given what nosotros run across some of them do it isn't hard to condemn many of them. Fifty-fifty so surprisingly few characters are totally unsympathetic at all times. The cast does a really impressive job bringing their characters to life; near obviously Pedro Pascal as Javier Peña and Wagner Moura as Pablo Escobar. Many people have commented about incorrect accents just I dubiousness this will be a problem for non-Spanish speakers; it was certainly better than having all characters speaking English. Overall I constitute the series really gripping; I'll certainly be watching 'Narcos: Mexico' soon.

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8 /10

Fantastic production, nosotros are living in the golden age of series

This is such a quality production. Its cinema quality in every attribute. I've seen ii episodes so far but if this show continue this up I requite it an even higher grade. Netflix is at present really starting to compete with HBO and this is much ameliorate than Netflix anchor House of Cards for example.

Now I don't like shows that glorify and make the criminals heroes, but I don't think this serial does that. Escobar is a ruthless person but still his a family unit man in some means. Whats skillful with Narcos is that it portrays both side of the police force. If information technology would only show it from Pablos perspective information technology wouldn't exist as interesting.

This is a very swish production. Everything from the DEA-detective who is the narrative voice to the quality of the camera work. The actors are spot on and the scenes are astonishing. I nearly feel that I'chiliad in the Colombian jungle and the hot humid air touches me through the screen.

I just honey series nowadays. You can send you self to about every situation of life and follow grapheme for a long fourth dimension. And they really utilise the advantages of series if you compare it to pic.

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10 /10


Having seen all Padilha movies, I was anxious to see this new Netflix series and had swell expectations. He did it again. I cannot stop watching. 1 episode later some other. OK if the cast is not Colombian. Simply they are all good actors and play the parts very well. I will try to cease this weekend all the episodes but i think there will be more seasons. Best series of the year so far. The activity is great. The scenarios are perfect. The 1980's atmosphere is awesome. x out 0f ten. I hope they volition make more than series like that in the futurity. Expert real stories and perfect action and management. I could not expect less from Padilha.

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9 /x

How to do Television right.

Since movies have become goose egg but shoot-em-ups and comic books tv has emerged every bit the way to get great drama to adults.

Narcos is a tale that everyone knows today, but the storytelling of this series is done with great visuals, interesting casting and a storytelling format which I love.

Using the protagonist as the voice over narrator gives this series the feel of Goodfellas or Casino (two of my favourite movies by the way).

Its extremely watchable and kept my attention the whole fourth dimension. The scene with Pablo Escobar on the bridge was stunning.

A worthwhile lookout man, if you have interests in things other than comic books.

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10 /10

Netflix Has Yet Another Triumph

Warning: Spoilers

At one point in Episode vii the new president of Colombia says to a group of US officials trying to take him accept more than assist to hunt Escobar, "660 tons of cocaine were consumed in the United states of america last year. Perchance if your resources were focused at home nosotros'd all be better off."

Tin I go an Amen? He hits the bullseye.

Netflix gives usa withal another reason to stay out of the cinematics multiplex with this slightly fictionalized simply fantabulous new series. It takes most of the pertinent action correct out of the history from this sad era of Colombian (and American) history. Filmed entirely on location in Republic of colombia and with a expert fifty% of the dialogue in Spanish this serial aims to be as existent as possible. The story likewise colors mode outside the lines of the Manichean version of the Drug War most Americans have swallowed hook, line, and sinker since Uncle Ronnie started feeding information technology to united states back in his presidency.

In the part of Pablo Escobar is Wagner Moura who actually had to learn Spanish to play the part. I wish that he would send his Spanish teacher over here to teach me considering he speaks it very well. I'm certain native Colombians can tell that he'south not one of them simply I can't. Also that he is a dead ringer (pardon the expression) for Pablo.

Unflinchingly savage and prepare at a desperate pace this is i of the best crime dramas I've seen in a long fourth dimension. This series reminds me of the 2 corking novels of Don Winslow which chronicle the Mexican cartels, The Ability of the Dog and The Cartel. The structure is almost like a documentary in concept with a voice-over by one of the main DEA agents on the scene. I am only a few episodes into this and already hoping for another season—a very high compliment.

This serial is vastly superior to the Benicio del Toro Escobar motion-picture show which was pretty atrocious. Movies tin can't agree a candle to the best series. There is no style to tell this story in a 90 minute movie. Great job, Netflix!

Flavour ii

Is it only me or was Season ii virtually completely in Castilian? Granted, the Spanish they speak was difficult for me to understand at times but I just wonder how most of the American public feels well-nigh seeing a serial in which they are about entirely dependent on reading subtitles. I recollect Americans are getting more and more sophisticated in their tastes and any series in which Pablo Escobar speaks English language would just be phony and stupid.

I thought the directors relied also much on music montage scenes that just took up a lot of time without adding much to the story. It just seems similar an unoriginal cliché. The show worked all-time when they followed the existent historic events of the story and when they delved into pure fiction it was much less compelling.

There was way too much of his wife and kids in the 2nd season. I get information technology; Pablo was a family guy. That doesn't mean you need to have scene after scene of him playing with his kids or talking to his one-half-wit wife. Why should we care virtually the family of a monster who blew up airliners and placed horrifically powerful bombs on crowded city streets? We don't. Los Pepes should have killed them all, including his female parent. There were much bigger things in the picture that could have been discussed.

I loved the CIA guy and his role in the story. He was creepy equally well as totally believable for his part.

In the cease you lot take to realize that the United States' endeavour in Colombia amounted to doodly squat. All nosotros really did was to fan a drug war that took the lives of perhaps thousands of people, either guilty of some infraction or completely innocent. The two DEA agents seemed barely competent to do their jobs, any their jobs were. At least they alluded to this in the concluding scene. "The king is dead; long alive the kings!"


Well-nigh binged it and I take to say this Season three is the all-time of the 3 by far. It's more than layered and has ameliorate characters. Seasons 1 & 2 had Pablo and I really like the thespian merely this I never liked the gringo DEA guy much. This story is more complicated likewise. I besides think they make good apply of their time. I beloved the fact that it'due south simply 10 episodes and we tin can expect some sort of resolution (I hope so) at the end.

Each episode is skillfully crafted to contain a single story and so leave you practically begging for the next installment. Overall this storyline is a lot more interesting than the two previous season involving Pablo Escobar. Who needs Pablo?

The violence is chilling to the core because it is handed out sparingly, at least at first. How many people have died so that Americans tin apply cocaine? Half a million people? More? A lot more?

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10 /10

Best series I've seen in a very long time!

Loved information technology from outset to finish. I did not care that I spent most of the fourth dimension reading English subtitles, this entire serial left me wanting and wishing I could speak Spanish. Information technology'south but superb! Not in one case was I bored, I did not want this to finish, I knew nothing well-nigh Pablo'south life, only man, what a life he lived. Yous accept to see this to believe it!

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10 /10

Best testify on TV!!

Binged all 3 seasons and Mexico in 2 weeks. It's then practiced you lot just tin't stop watching!

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10 /10


Warning: Spoilers

(Reviewed later on Season 3).

The history of the Colombian drug cartels, and the Usa DEA'due south efforts to bring them to justice. Seasons ane and 2 focus on the Medellin Cartel and its infamous leader, Pablo Escobar. Season iii centres on the successor to the Medellin Dare, the Cali Cartel.

Superb. Edifying, enthralling and incredibly engaging - compelling viewing. A good mix of history, drama, action and intrigue. Well-drawn and developed characters - even the bad guys have character depth.

Shows well the mountain of a chore that faced the DEA in bringing Republic of colombia'due south cocaine manufacturers to justice, every bit even the local police and politicians couldn't be trusted.

Adding to the authenticity is that about 80% of the dialogue is in Spanish. No Colombians speaking English language to each other in a Castilian emphasis. (There are English sub-titles, of course, should y'all want them).

Brilliant performance by Wagner Moura as Pablo Escobar. He admittedly inhabits the role, making Escobar seem like an average guy, complete with personal mannerisms and traits. Makes for a very engaging and empathetic experience. If it wasn't for the fact that Escobar was a mass-murderer, he might even be likeable... (Interesting fact: Moura is Brazilian and had to learn Spanish for the role. Makes me even more impressed with his performance and piece of work-ethic).

The negative aspect to Seasons 1 and ii was the graphic symbol of DEA amanuensis Steve Potato, played by Boyd Holbrook. He did not seem that an of import enough grapheme to be the narrator and essentially primal figure of Seasons ane and 2. Moreover, he is a tad irritating and Holbrook'south functioning involves talking low and slurred, which is how actors talk nowadays when they desire to try to win awards, probably considering they think people might mistake them for Marlon Brando.

Pedro Pascal (who might be familiar to Game of Thrones viewers, as he played Oberyn Martell in Flavor 4) puts in a solid operation as Agent Javier Pena. His character grows in importance equally the series progresses and he really steps up as the progression occurs. In Season iii he takes over narration and does a much improve job than Boyd Holbrook.

On that notation, I was a bit apprehensive nigh Season three. When the Pablo Escobar story ended, I felt that this was a natural end to the series. Everything had been building up to Escobar's demise and by the time information technology came, I was drained, the build-up of tension was then great. Plus Wagner Moura had made him into such a larger-than-life and engaging character, replacing that character would exist difficult.

However, the writers do a smashing job in Season 3 of maintaining the engagement, through showing several characters, good, bad and neutral, and how the events affect them, plus making the plot development incredibly smash-biting.

Fantastic series.

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9 /10

A reason to subscribe to Netflix

In that location are very few serial that deserve to be considered swell. This could well exist up there.

Information technology's based on the true story of Pablo Escobar. I don't know how authentic it really is, only at the very to the lowest degree it FEELS 100% accurate.

The series hasn't gone down the English language with columbian accents route, they have used Spanish with subtitles. For me it just adds to the authenticity of the series! Pablo'southward part is played effortlessly by the Brazillian thespian Wagner Moura. He seems built-in to play the part! It has gone down the scorsese / goodfellas narrative approach. And so if you lot don't similar that style, you will be disappointed! If you are looking for a well researched accurate look into the life and deeds of the most notorious of the columbian drug lords - THIS IS It! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! (Information technology get'due south a 9 because NO series can ever exist perfect!)

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10 /10


Every bit a native Colombian, built-in and raised in Medellin (in 1975) and victim myself of the Pablo Escobar era, I must say that I am pleasantly surprised with the evidence!!! I idea it was going to exist another bad gringo movie about Colombia with lots of mistakes and non even Colombian landscapes in the groundwork but, I WAS WRONG!!!! Very good actors besides, I didn't like Escobar accent since it'south non existent Paisa emphasis but it'south OK; it volition go unnoticed to non- native Colombians ;)

Good Chore Netflix!! Sksjdjdjdufirjfjfifrior difjrirjfjfkririfrjrjrkf. That's all I had to say

Catalina Suárez

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10 /10

It's going to be ''The Striking'' . Beautiful after iii episodes .

It'southward beautiful , this's the way TV-series should exist directed and produced, i loved the fast stride of the series from the first minute till now i haven't skipped annihilation or felt bored.

The narration way of the story from the first showtime adds another depth to the story.

Information technology shows you scenes from the future then gets to the present to elaborate how we reached that indicate .

The cast is great , probably you haven't seen anyone of them before , but sure as hell they tin can act , they are able to deliver the feeling they have so yous can interact with them .

Only , a masterpiece .

P.S : Netflix has always been picky about its series, that''s why it's my favorite network.

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10 /10

Season three: Again a Magnificent, Center-Wrenching Product

Many Colombians will object to this series, considering it draws then much attention to an aspect of their civilisation of which virtually of them are not proud. The reality is, society-continued Colombians of a certain age all know someone personally that profited from the drug trade. Most folks I knew there brushed elbows with someone famous from Cali, at some signal. It was a talking point back then, but possibly not now.

The first episode of season three should put things in perspective for everyone who might still feel beguiled by the relatively germ-free reputation of Cali'due south cartel. The final scenes of the episode bulldoze home once again the basic bespeak of the series, which is, these were savage, deadly efficient criminals on a scale that utterly dwarfs anything always seen in the U.Southward.

In Cali, they did information technology in fashion, every bit much as or more than any Stateside mafiosi ever did. And that, similar it or non mis queridos amigos Colombianos, makes for an unforgettable story -- rich people with not much compassion and a lot of cloth pretense, but well-polished at some level, akin to the decent rich folks in the aforementioned social course, merely much, much richer.

Thematically speaking, this is just another affiliate in the history of American colonialism, only ane that speaks powerfully to the personal experience of many. The scenes from this series powerfully evoke memories of what it was similar to travel in Republic of colombia in the 90's, when every airport lobby was haunted by 1 or two sicarios en route to their adjacent job. They were not hard to spot.

The casting, locations, soundtrack, writing, acting, direction -- even the lighting, which captures so well the wait and feel of Colombian home architecture -- are all superb. Te extrano Colombia -- but not your miseries. Folks should know Republic of colombia at present is, in a not bad many places, a booming middle-form haven of opportunity, as such a naturally wealthy country should exist.

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ix /10

Just the facts mam

The countryside of Colombia where the majority of cocaine was produced and eventually distributed in to the United states, initially in Miami Florida, New York, and Chicago, and gradually throughout the North American continent, was mainly fact based and held Mrs. Shullivan and my own attention.

The inordinate wealth that the drug distribution empire brought to the Columbian drug kingpins such as Pablo Escobar, Gilberto Rodríguez Orejuela, along with his brother Miguel Rodríguez Orejuela, and Judy Moncada was unprecedented. The Boob tube series actually downplayed the vast wealth and extravagant spending of these drug lords (buying and owning soccer teams and dozens of homes around the world) and focused more than on the effort required to maintain their control of their respective drug distribution empires.

I liked the serial for the way they avoided and minimalized the extreme violence and executions of many innocent victims such as in the many bombings and focused mainly on Pablo Escobar for the first two seasons, then switched over to Gilberto Rodríguez Orejuela, forth with his brother Miguel Rodríguez Orejuela for flavour iii.

The involvement of U.S. drug enforcement agents (DEA) and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) allowed the N American audience to listen to their conversations without having to completely rely on the otherwise prominent English sub titles whenever the Colombians were talking to one some other. The English sub titles required the audience not to have their eyes off of their Television screen or you may miss some significant dialogue and story line.

I rated this crime/drama series an entertaining 9 out of ten IMDB rating as it remained truthful to most of the historical facts although I am certain some of the intense so called "close calls" between the drug lords and the DEA agents were embellished for dramatic purposes.

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half dozen /10

America vs. evil

'Narcos' tells the boggling story of Pablo Escobar, a Columbian who rose to the summit of a massive drug smuggling enterprise. The series has been highly praised, merely I didn't like it that much. Told from the perspective of U.South. authorities agents, it paints a picture where those agents are tough as hell but essentially heroic, and there'southward relatively little involvement in the everyday lives of ordinary Columbians (or indeed, of Americans addicted to the drugs Escobar smuggled). Whereas series like 'The Wire' accept shown u.s. drug barons who, while grotesque, remain human, 'Narcos' is more about spectacle, and a story whose morality is fundamentally black and white. The details of Escobar'southward tale are astonishing; merely I didn't feel I got much in the fashion of deep insight by watching this show.

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10 /10

all-time e'er

This is netflix'southward about elite and uncompromising bear witness always. The show did not change because of money netflix should hold on to this kinda shows

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9 /10

Dark, Existent Insight, Mesmerising performance from Wagner Moura.

Alright so, when it comes to drug related Telly Shows which almost e'er include the DEA, the outset thing that comes to mind is Breaking Bad and The Wire.

Needless to say, while preparing to start up the pilot, I continuously tried to imagine how can this series requite us something original or even something that will make united states of america say "Hey, this isn't a cheap knock off of something." Well. I was profoundly surprised. Netflix has washed it over again.

They managed to present the prove in a way that includes every positive aspect of the two aforementioned series. It has the darkness of Breaking Bad, the intensity and the smart writing while also maintaining the thoroughness of The Wire in the sense that we get to run into both sides of the drug trade, the clichés and even the everyday life that surrounds it.

The narrative style also gives it a different attribute which helps the viewer engage in a more positive mode. The cast seems to exist very specifically chosen since the roles don't even make you question the legitimacy of the actors.

I would say that this looks promising although I am yet to finish the series to be able to give my final word.

Definitely a series you should watch if yous are into this kind of affair.

Kudos again, Netflix.

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x /10


Warning: Spoilers

I but watched the first three episodes of this new Netflix series and information technology is just crawly. The vintage 80'south amuse plus the expert interim and the amazing story line will continue your attending like a fast paced activity or thriller movie.

It all begins as a one person who is supposes to be killed in Republic of chile somehow survives a firing squad and goes to Columbia to offer his new product cocaine to the trafficking lord Pablo Escobar to sell information technology in Latin America. Escobar accepts the offering but moves the product to the USA where the price is higher. On the other side of the police force in this serial is USA DEA agent White potato who is a young, dedicated and smart and he fights the new war on drugs in the United states of america and Columbia helped by a local homo Javier Pena played by the one and only Oberyn Martell (GoT fans will sympathize).

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10 /10

Engaging throughout

Very hard to go a docudrama that'south multilingual and has several series that keeps you fully engaged to the very end. Cartel I say "Addicted" to but Narcos leaves y'all wanting your next fix afterward every episode and ultimately every series.

Original Narcos runs for 3 series, as at 2020 some telephone call United mexican states series 4 & 5 merely whatsoever.

I enjoyed the extra story telling and news throwbacks in the earlier serial but the other series don't suffer.

I waited in apprehension for Cali to be the focus equally they made Escobar await fourth division. In one case again I wasn't disappointed.

You lot don't have to be a Escobar fan to watch this, it's just damn practiced viewing.

A perfect ten

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9 /10

Flavour iii: Existent Life Drama Hits As well Close To Home

Warning: Spoilers

NARCOS is a great show and Season 3 was a roller-coaster ride, despite non having two of the principal characters from the first two seasons. In the beginning, nearly people (me included)thought this Netflix original serial was solely based on Pablo Escobar'due south rising and fall equally the powerful Colombian drug lord. The prove is really about the U.S. interest in the ongoing drug wars in Latin America. Later on Pablo Escobar is taken down in Flavor's two finalé, Season 3 is almost the rise and fall of the Cali Cartel, which became very powerful later on their rival's demise. We become to see how sometimes the DEA has to side with certain drug lords and crooks in order to capture their priority target. In the first 2 seasons, the DEA sides with members of the Cali cartel in order to go Pablo Escobar. It was obvious that afterwards Escobar was out of the picture show, the DEA would fix their eyes on the Cali Cartel, who fifty-fifty "negotiated" with the Colombian government its surrender.

The merely "flaw" that this testify (and movies about drug wars) has in general is its "one-sided" perspective of things. Certain, Colombia and United mexican states smuggle coke illegally into the U.S., only one time the "product" is in the U.S., who moves the stuff? Surely there must be a well organized network of drug lords, godfathers and mobsters in the U.S. that accept care of distribution. After all, the U.Due south. is the biggest illegal drug market WORLDWIDE, then how come up we rarely encounter what actually happens to mobsters in the U.S.??? Not everything is run by Colombians or Mexicans and surely a huge amount of Americans BUY this stuff, hence perpetuating the drug trafficking for years and years to come. How come in that location are few Movies or Boob tube serial that ADDRESS this reality??? Supply and need indeed!

NARCOS features big product values, like a loftier end Hollywood flick. The interim is mostly superb (it's obvious some American actors of Latin descent have certain difficulties proverb their parts in Spanish, but for the virtually part it works), the drama and the violence feels real, maybe considering this stuff actually happened and, in Mexico's case, is still happening. That's when I call up, "Damn, NARCOS is just similar watching the six O'Clock news down here". The stuff yous come across in NARCOS happens EVERYDAY in Mexico, even so nosotros've somehow grown "used to" this kind of stuff. It's go an everyday matter. Merely as the U.South. had the forcefulness and the might to put order in Republic of colombia, they should think most doing the same here, their "adjacent door" neighbor.

Afterwards GAME OF THRONES and now NARCOS, Pedro Pascal (Agent Javier Peña in this series) is destined for Hollywood greatness, and some Mexican and Colombian actors will surely benefit from the series' success.

The ending of Season 3 leaves no uncertainty that the 4th season will by and large take place in Mexico, a place that is STILL suffering from the ongoing drug wars and from an uber corrupt government. The production squad of NARCOS will have to be very careful in what they portray in the series or they'll too end up victims of the story they're trying to tell.

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10 /10

Outstanding drama

Living in the U.Yard. We new very little of Americas war on drugs. I think President Reagan talking about information technology just I had no thought of the scale involved. Watching this superb series had me in total disbelief. The amount of drugs, the lengths and organization the cartels took to get the drugs into the USA, and the staggering sums of money these dealers made. But most of all the incredible human sacrifices by both the U.South. and Colombian law forces made to beat the cartels. At times it was a losing battle such was the power of the drug lords throughout Columbia. Narcos cleverly mixes existent news footage from the fourth dimension with the drama at times extremely violent simply always compelling. Narcos is quite only one of the finest shows of recent years.

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eight /10

Truly Yummy Bi-lingual Dramatized History

Had a job killing the subtitles, but you'll never master Latin dialects if you don't. Pity they could not go a real Chilean histrion to play La Cucaracha, since he'd been taught only how to curse. Then over again with El Contador of Series three, raised closer to Santiago, Cuba than the Andean capital. And that's why Latin commentators await downward on "Gringos" - because the same US studio that would die than portray a Welsh person equally New York gangster would happily mix-n-friction match Latinos like candies - Incorrect!. Those points bated this was a super-adept series, that even survived our virtually dear villain, Pablo Escobar into a concluding Serial. I call up near audience in Series 1-2 were actually rooting for Pablo. Fantabulous.

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10 /10


What a testify, must say this is a superlative top show and a proper insight of how things went on the drug's terminate, but my favourite season has to exist flavour three, all action non stop, just epic!

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